
Notice détaillée

New Perspectives in Algebra, Topology and Categories

Summer School, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 12-15, 2018 and September 11-14, 2019

Livre Ecrit par: Facchini, Alberto ; Gran, Marino ; Clementino, Maria Manuel ; Publié en: 2021

Edition: Cham (Bavière, Allemagne): Springer
Langue: Anglais
Collation: Données textuelles
ISBN: 9783030843199
Thème Mathématiques

Mots clés:
Categorical Algebra
Category of Rings
Commutative Monoid
Commutator Theory
Frame (Langage de programmation)
Homological Category
Locale, Non-associative Algebra
Normal Subobject
Point-free Topology
Regular Category
Semi-abelian Category
Split Extension
Topological Algebra
Universal ALgebra

New Perspectives in Algebra, Topology and Categories
