Ubicomp '09
The 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Orlando, FL, USA — September 30 - October 03, 2009
Livre Ecrit par: Sumi, Helal ; Consolvo, Sunny ; Gellersen, Hans ; Publié en: [2009]
Résumé: It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. We come together this year in Orlando, Florida to continue the tradition of being the premier forum for multi-disciplinary research in Ubiquitous Computing and its applications. In Disney World, Ubicomp2009 celebrates 11 years of novel research findings and an impressive audience base carefully cross-pollinated from several key communities. This includes Human Computer Interaction, Pervasive Computing, Mobile Computing, Real World Modeling, Sensors and Devices, Middleware and Systems Research, Programming Models and Tools, Human Centric Validation and Experience Characterization. Like every year, we have a strong program full of novel ideas and impressive applications. The main event is a single-track technical program offering a variety of sessions covering topics such as activity recognition, behavior monitoring and alteration, context awareness, security and access, and much more. A compelling program of Videos/Demos/Posters is also included in the first day of the conference. A Doctoral Colloquium and 6 Workshops on emerging areas of research make up UbiComp's two-days pre-conference program. Additionally, Henry Tirri (Nokia) will give the opening keynote titled “Poor Man's Ubicomp”, and Alex Pentland (MIT) will give the closing keynote titled “Honest Signals from Reality Mining.” Finally, two panels are planned. One will attempt to tell the future, discuss major achievements to date and predict the future landscape of UbiComp research. The other will attempt to summarize accomplishments of UbiComp 2009. I hope you find this year's program interesting, useful and enjoyable. To assist you in managing your networking interest and interactions prior to, during and after the conference, UbiComp 2009 is providing each registrant with the pathable service. It is an on-line community and a social network to help UbiComp 2009 attendees meet and communicate with each other. The service will continue to exist for one full year and until UbiComp 2010 begins. We hope that you can make full use of this tool.
New York, NY:
276 p.
ISBN: 9781605584317
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