Case handling
a new paradigm for business process support
Article Ecrit par: Van Den Aalst, Wil M. P. ; Weske, Mathias ; Grunbauer, Dolf ;
Résumé: Case handling is a new paradigm for supporting .exible and knowledge intensive business processes. It is strongly based on data as the typical product of these processes. Unlike work .ow management, which uses prede .ned process control structures to determine what should be done during a work .ow process, case handling focuses on what can be done to achieve a business goal. In case handling, the knowledge worker in charge of a particular case actively decides on how the goal of that case is reached, and the role of a case handling system is assisting rather than guiding her in doing so. In this paper, case handling is introduced as a new paradigm for supporting .exible business processes. It is motivated by comparing it to work .ow management as the traditional way to support business processes. The main entities of case handling systems are identi .ed and classi .ed in a meta model. Finally, the basic functionality and usage of a case han- dling system is illustrated by an example.