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3D reconstruction of free-formed line-like objects using NURBS representation

Article Ecrit par: Peng, Jiaxiong ; Xiao, Yijun ; Ding, Mingyue ;

Résumé: 3D reconstruction of arbitrary free-formed objects is an important and challenging problem in computer vision. In this paper, we first discuss the importance of primitive selection in 3D reconstruction. Subsequently, a theorem, which reveals the perspective invariance of NURBS, is shown, making it a good choice as primitive in 3D reconstruction. Consequently, based on this theorem a new paradigm of free-formed line-like object reconstruction using NURBS as primitives is proposed. Furthermore, an approach for determining weights for 3D NURBS is presented, and the width effect of curved line-like objects is analyzed. Finally, experiments with line-like objects and machine part demonstrate the feasibility of our approach and prove the superiority of our approach over the point- or segment-based approaches as well as the B-spline-based reconstruction approach in terms of robustness and accuracy.

Langue: Anglais
Index décimal 006.4 .Reconnaissance des formes par ordinateur (appareils d'entrée utilisant les méthodes de reconnaissance de formes, reconnaissance de formes non utilisée comme outil de l'intelligence artificielle)
Thème Informatique

Mots clés:
3D reconstruction
Free-formed objects
Line-like objects

3D reconstruction of free-formed line-like objects using NURBS representation
