
Notice détaillée

Structures and relations in knowledge organization

proceedings of the fifth International ISKO Conference, 25-29 August 1998, Lille, France / organized by the UFR IDIST, University Charles De Gaulle Lille III and the ISKO General Secretariat

Livre Ecrit par: International ISKO Conference (5 ; 1998 ; Lille, France) ; Maniez, Jacques ; Mustapha El Hadj, Widad ; Pollitt, Steven A. ; Université Charles de Gaulle (Lille). UFR IDIST ; International Society for Knowledge Organization. General Secretariat ; Publié en: c1998

Edition: Wurzberg: Ergon Verlag
Langue: Anglais
Collation: VII-432 p. ;23 cm
ISBN: 3932004787

Note: Bibliogr. Index.