
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية

Bipartite Graph Reasoning GANs for Person Pose and Facial Image Synthesis

مقال من تأليف: Shao, Ling ; Sebe, Nicu ; Torr, Philip H. S. ; Tang, Hao ;

ملخص: We present a novel bipartite graph reasoning Generative Adversarial Network (BiGraphGAN) for two challenging tasks: person pose and facial image synthesis. The proposed graph generator consists of two novel blocks that aim to model the pose-to-pose and pose-to-image relations, respectively. Specifically, the proposed bipartite graph reasoning (BGR) block aims to reason the long-range cross relations between the source and target pose in a bipartite graph, which mitigates some of the challenges caused by pose deformation. Moreover, we propose a new interaction-and-aggregation (IA) block to effectively update and enhance the feature representation capability of both a person's shape and appearance in an interactive way. To further capture the change in pose of each part more precisely, we propose a novel part-aware bipartite graph reasoning (PBGR) block to decompose the task of reasoning the global structure transformation with a bipartite graph into learning different local transformations for different semantic body/face parts. Experiments on two challenging generation tasks with three public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods in terms of objective quantitative scores and subjective visual realness

لغة: إنجليزية
الموضوع الإعلام الآلي

الكلمات الدالة:
Facial expression synthesis
Bipartite graph reasoning
Person pose synthesis

Bipartite Graph Reasoning GANs for Person Pose and Facial Image Synthesis
