
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية


Anchor to Barycentric Coordinate for Robust Correspondence

مقال من تأليف: Zhao, Weiyue ; Lu, Hao ; Li, Xin ; Cao, Zhiguo ;

ملخص: There is a long-standing problem of repeated patterns in correspondence problems, where mismatches frequently occur because of inherent ambiguity. The unique position information associated with repeated patterns makes coordinate representations a useful supplement to appearance representations for improving feature correspondences. However, the issue of appropriate coordinate representation has remained unresolved. In this study, we demonstrate that geometric-invariant coordinate representations, such as barycentric coordinates, can significantly reduce mismatches between features. The first step is to establish a theoretical foundation for geometrically invariant coordinates. We present a seed matching and filtering network (SMFNet) that combines feature matching and consistency filtering with a coarse-to-fine matching strategy in order to acquire reliable sparse correspondences. We then introduce Degree, a novel anchor-to-barycentric (A2B) coordinate encoding approach, which generates multiple affine-invariant correspondence coordinates from paired images. Degree can be used as a plug-in with standard descriptors, feature matchers, and consistency filters to improve the matching quality. Extensive experiments in synthesized indoor and outdoor datasets demonstrate that Degree alleviates the problem of repeated patterns and helps achieve state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, Degree also reports competitive performance in the third Image Matching Challenge at CVPR 2021. This approach offers a new perspective to alleviate the problem of repeated patterns and emphasizes the importance of choosing coordinate representations for feature correspondences.

لغة: إنجليزية