
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية

Cloud services cost comparison

a clustering analysis framework

مقال من تأليف: Fragiadakis, George ; Liagkou, Vasiliki ; Filiopoulou, Evangelia ; Fragkakis, Dimitris ; Michalakelis, Christos ; Nikolaidou, Mara ;

ملخص: As cloud computing has grown in popularity, several different models and deployment strategies have emerged, fulfilling specific needs of different users. Thus cloud service selection is a major task that combines business and technical aspects. Several cloud providers categorize their bundles to help users find the best fit. However, the policy behind this categorization is unclear, making it difficult to be consistent among providers. Therefore, this work explores the complication of selecting the optimal cloud service among numerous and comparable solutions and introduces a selection framework for cloud services based on clustering analysis, providing an overall size categorization of cloud services derived from the cloud market and making the categorization policy explicit and homogeneous across all providers. Finally, a real-word case study is presented, highlighting the application of the proposed framework.

لغة: إنجليزية