Unboxing fog security
a review of fog security and authentication mechanisms
مقال من تأليف: Kaliya, Neha ; Pawar, Digambar ;
ملخص: Due to the massive advancement of the Internet of Things in our day-to-day lives, there is a strong need to bring connectivity to a very accessible level. To enable the execution of real-time applications at the device end or network edge for connected devices, fog computing was introduced. Due to the resource constraint nature and geographical distribution of fog devices, security and privacy concerns may arise. With an increased number of smart devices, authentication is turning to be more and more vital to enable secure communication for fog-based applications. Hence, it is mandatory to use a strong authentication mechanism for each device or application installed in the fog network system. Our survey paper focuses on a complete understanding of fog computing in terms of its architecture, features, and security. We have done a rigorous study on existing authentication mechanisms with their working principles, performance, and limitations. Also, we provided a taxonomy of security issues in fog computing for a better understanding of all security concerns that would help the researchers to work in the right direction in this domain. To design an effective authentication system for fog security, we provided future research directions and open challenges.