Multi-task learning for few-shot biomedical relation extraction
مقال من تأليف: Moscato, Vincenzo ; Sperli, Giancarlo ; Napolano, Giuseppe ; Postiglione, Marco ;
ملخص: Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced rapidly, but it has limited impact on biomedical text understanding due to a lack of annotated datasets (a.k.a. few-shot learning). Multi-task learning, which uses data from multiple datasets and tasks with related syntax and semantics, has potential to address this issue. However, the effectiveness of this approach heavily relies on the quality of the available data and its transferability between tasks. In this paper, we propose a framework, built upon a state-of-the-art multi-task method (i.e. MT-DNN), that leverages different publicly available biomedical datasets to enhance relation extraction performance. Our model employs a transformer-based architecture with shared encoding layers across multiple tasks, and task-specific classification layers to generate task-specific representations. To further improve performance, we utilize a knowledge distillation technique. In our experiments, we assess the impact of incorporating biomedical datasets in a multi-task learning setting and demonstrate that it consistently outperforms state-of-the-art few-shot learning methods in cases of limited data. This results in significant improvement across most datasets and few-shot scenarios, particularly in terms of recall scores.