A Personalized Recommender System for Information Visualization Methods via Extended Matrix Completion
مقال من تأليف: Chen, Xiaoyu ; Jin, Ran ; Lau, Nathan ;
ملخص: Adapting user interface designs for specific tasks performed by different users is a challenging yet important problem. Automatically adapting visualization designs to users and contexts (e.g., tasks, display devices, environments, etc.) can theoretically improve human-computer interaction to acquire insights from complex datasets. However, effectiveness of any specific visualization is moderated by individual differences in knowledge, skills, and abilities for different contexts. A modeling framework called P ersonalized R ecommender System for I nformation visualization M ethods via E xtended matrix completion (PRIME) is proposed for recommending the optimal visualization designs for individual users in different contexts. PRIME quantitatively models covariates (e.g., psychological and behavioral measurements) to predict recommendation scores (e.g., perceived complexity, mental workload, etc.) for users to adapt the visualization specific to the context. An evaluation study was conducted and showed that PRIME can achieve satisfactory recommendation accuracy for adapting visualization, even when there are limited historical data. PRIME can make accurate recommendations even for new users or new tasks based on historical wearable sensor signals and recommendation scores. This capability contributes to designing a new generation of visualization systems that will adapt to users' states. PRIME can support researchers in reducing the sample size requirements to quantify individual differences, and practitioners in adapting visualizations according to user states and contexts.