Network-Aware Multipathing in Software-Defined Data Center Networks
مقال من تأليف: Cheng, Yingying ; Jia, Xiaohua ;
ملخص: Data center networks employ parallel paths to perform load balancing. Existing traffic splitting schemes propose weighted traffic distribution across multiple paths via a centralized view. An SDN controller computes the traffic splitting ratio of a flow group among all the paths, and implements the ratio by creating multiple rules in the flow table of OpenFlow switches. However, since the number of rules in TCAM-based flow table is limited, it is not scalable to implement the ideal splitting ratio for every flow group. Existing solutions, WCMP and Niagara, aim at reducing the maximum oversubscription of all egress ports and reducing traffic imbalance, respectively. However, the transmission time of flow groups, which measures the quality of cloud services, is sub-optimal in existing solutions that ignore heterogeneous network bandwidth. We propose and implement NAMP, a multipathing scheme considering the network heterogeneity, to efficiently optimize the transmission time of flow groups. Experimental results show that NAMP reduces the transmission time by up to 45.4% than Niagara, up to 50% than WCMP, and up to 60% than ECMP.