Congestion-Aware and Energy-Aware Virtual Network Embedding
مقال من تأليف: Pham, Minh ; Hoang, Doan B. ; Chaczko, Zenon ;
ملخص: Network virtualization is an inherent component of future internet architectures. Network resources are virtualized from the underlying substrate and elastically provisioned and offered to customers on-demand. Optimal allocation of network resources in terms of utilization, quality of service, and energy consumption has been a challenge. Existing solutions consider congestion control in a single-objective virtual network embedding (VNE) problem. This paper defines a multiple-objective VNE problem called the congestion-aware, energy-aware VNE (CEVNE). The aim is to seek a solution that saves cost, saves energy and avoids network congestion simultaneously. CEVNE modelling techniques and solution approaches apply both the weighting method and the constraint method to search for pareto-optimal solutions that produce the best compromised solutions for all three objectives. Solving VNE problem is, however, NP-hard. A heuristic solution is proposed involving a two-stage coordinated CEVNE. The node-mapping algorithm searches for the sub-optimal solutions for three objectives. The link mapping process is an SDN-based heuristic algorithm that deploys a path service and a resource monitoring application on an SDN controller. The solution is realized using SDN, Segment Routing, and open network operating system platform (ONOS) technologies. The energy minimization is implemented with a registry that keeps track of active nodes and sets inactive nodes to sleep mode. The evaluation results showed that the multiple-objective CEVNE approach is feasible and achieves its goals of optimizing the resource allocation, improving the runtime, saving the energy consumption and controlling the network congestion.