
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية

Robust Networking

Dynamic Topology Evolution Learning for Internet of Things

مقال من تأليف: Chen, Ning ; Qiu, Tie ; Wu, Dapeng Oliver ; Daneshmand, Mahmoud ;

ملخص: The Internet of Things (IoT) has been extensively deployed in smart cities. However, with the expanding scale of networking, the failure of some nodes in the network severely affects the communication capacity of IoT applications. Therefore, researchers pay attention to improving communication capacity caused by network failures for applications that require high quality of services (QoS). Furthermore, the robustness of network topology is an important metric to measure the network communication capacity and the ability to resist the cyber-attacks induced by some failed nodes. While some algorithms have been proposed to enhance the robustness of IoT topologies, they are characterized by large computation overhead, and lacking a lightweight topology optimization model. To address this problem, we first propose a novel robustness optimization using evolution learning (ROEL) with a neural network. ROEL dynamically optimizes the IoT topology and intelligently prospects the robust degree in the process of evolutionary optimization. The experimental results demonstrate that ROEL can represent the evolutionary process of IoT topologies, and the prediction accuracy of network robustness is satisfactory with a small error ratio. Our algorithm has a better tolerance capacity in terms of resistance to random attacks and malicious attacks compared with other algorithms.

لغة: إنجليزية