
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية

On DoF-Based Interference Cancellation Under General Channel Rank Conditions

مقال من تأليف: Chen, Yongce ; Hou, Y. Thomas ; Lou, Wenjing ; Shi, Yi ; Huang, Yan ; Kompella, Sastry ;

ملخص: Degree-of-freedom (DoF) based models have become prevalent in studying MIMO-based wireless networks. However, most existing DoF-based models assume the channel matrix is of full-rank. Such a simplifying assumption has gradually become problematic, particularly when the number of antennas increases and the propagation environment is not close to ideal. In this paper, we address this problem by developing a general theory for the DoF-based model under general channel rank conditions. We start with a fundamental understanding on how MIMO's DoFs are consumed at each node for spatial multiplexing (SM) and interference cancellation (IC) in the presence of rank-deficient channels. Based on this understanding, we develop a DoF model that can be used for identifying the DoF region of a multi-link MIMO network and for studying DoF scheduling in MIMO networks under general channel rank conditions. Specifically, we find that for IC, shared DoF consumption at both transmit and receive nodes is critical for efficient DoF allocation. Further, we show that DoF consumption under the existing full-rank assumption is a special case of our generalized DoF model. Based on case studies, we show that the general IC model can achieve larger feasible DoF regions or improved objective values than existing unilateral IC models. The findings of this paper pave the way for future research of many-antenna networks under general channel rank conditions.

لغة: إنجليزية