Quick and Accurate False Data Detection in Mobile Crowd Sensing
مقال من تأليف: Li, Xiaocan ; Wang, Xin ; Xie, Kun ; Xie, Gaogang ; Wen, Jigang ; Xie, Dongliang ; Li, Zhenyu ; Diao, Zulong ; Wang, Tian ;
ملخص: The attacks, faults, and severe communication/system conditions in Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) make false data detection a critical problem. Observing the intrinsic low dimensionality of general monitoring data and the sparsity of false data, false data detection can be performed based on the separation of normal data and anomalies. Although the existing separation algorithm based on Direct Robust Matrix Factorization (DRMF) is proven to be effective, requiring iteratively performing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for low-rank matrix approximation would result in a prohibitively high accumulated computation cost when the data matrix is large. In this work, we observe the quick false data location feature from our empirical study of DRMF, based on which we propose an intelligent Light weight Low Rank and False Matrix Separation algorithm (LightLRFMS) that can reuse the previous result of the matrix decomposition to deduce the one for the current iteration step. Depending on the type of data corruption, random or successive/mass, we design two versions of LightLRFMS. From a theoretical perspective, we validate that LightLRFMS only requires one round of SVD computation and thus has very low computation cost. We have done extensive experiments using a PM 2.5 air condition trace and a road traffic trace. Our results demonstrate that LightLRFMS can achieve very good false data detection performance with the same highest detection accuracy as DRMF but with up to 20 times faster speed thanks to its lower computation cost.