Fast Switch-Based Load Balancer Considering Application Server States
مقال من تأليف: Zhang, Jiao ; Pan, Tian ; Wen, Shubo ; Zhang, Jinsheng ; Chai, Hua ; Huang, Tao ; Zhang, Linquan ; Liu, Yunjie ; Yu, F. Richard ;
ملخص: Large-scale services are generally hosted on multiple application servers to scale out in today's data centers. Load balancers distribute users' requests across these servers. Software load balancer and switch-based load balancer are two typical classes of load balancers. However, most of the existing mechanisms either exhibit high processing latency at load balancers or likely lead to unbalanced requests distribution without considering the disparity of the application servers. In this paper, we study how the disparity of application servers significantly impacts the response time of requests. A fast switch-based Load Balancer considering Application Server states (LBAS) then is proposed to minimize the processing latency at both load balancers and application servers. The data plane of LBAS is well designed to store millions of connections in limited storage capacity without violating per-connection consistency. Besides, a partial dynamic weighting algorithm based on the Ridge Regression theory is designed and implemented to decrease the processing latency at application servers. We implement LBAS using the P4 programming language and conduct a series of extensive experiments to evaluate the performance. The results demonstrate that the proposed LBAS mechanism significantly reduces the response time of requests compared with Uniform random, Static weight, and Spotlight in various scenarios.