
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية

Five Years at the Edge: Watching Internet From the ISP Network

Watching Internet From the ISP Network

مقال من تأليف: Trevisan, Martino ; Mellia, Marco ; Giordano, Danilo ; Drago, Idilio ; Munafo, Maurizio Matteo ;

ملخص: The Internet and the way people use it are constantly changing. Knowing traffic is crucial for operating the network, understanding users' needs, and ultimately improving applications. Here, we provide an in-depth longitudinal view of Internet traffic during 5 years (from 2013 to 2017). We take the point of the view of a national-wide ISP and analyze rich flow-level measurements to pinpoint and quantify changes. We observe the traffic, both from a point of view of users and services. We show that an ordinary broadband subscriber downloaded in 2017 more than twice as much as they used to do 5 years before. Bandwidth hungry video services drove this change at the beginning, while recently social messaging applications contribute to increase of data consumption. We study how protocols and service infrastructures evolve over time, highlighting events that may challenge traffic management policies. In the rush to bring servers closer and closer to users, we witness the birth of the sub-millisecond Internet, with caches located directly at ISP edges. The picture we take shows a lively Internet that always evolves and suddenly changes. To support new analyses, we make anonymized data available at

لغة: إنجليزية