
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية


Secure and Dynamic Middlebox Outsourcing

مقال من تأليف: Wang, Huazhe ; Wang, Yang ; Li, Xin ; Zhao, Yu ; Qian, Chen ; Yu, Ye ; Yang, Hongkun ;

ملخص: There is an increasing trend that enterprises outsource their middlebox processing to a cloud for lower cost and easier management. However, outsourcing middleboxes brings threats to the enterprise's private information, including the traffic and rules of middleboxes, all of which are visible within the cloud. Existing solutions for secure middlebox outsourcing either incur significant performance overhead or do not support incremental updates. In this article, we present a secure and dynamic middlebox outsourcing framework, SICS, short for Secure In-Cloud Service. SICS encrypts each packet header and uses a label for in-cloud rule matching, which enables the cloud to perform its functionalities correctly with minimum header information leakage. Evaluation results show that SICS achieves higher throughput, faster construction and update speed, and lower resource overhead at the enterprise and in the cloud when compared with existing solutions.

لغة: إنجليزية