A Secure Middlebox Framework for Enabling Visibility Over Multiple Encryption Protocols
مقال من تأليف: Han, Juhyeng ; Kim, Seongmin ; Cho, Daeyang ; Choi, Byungkwon ; Ha, Jaehyeong ; Han, Dongsu ;
ملخص: Network middleboxes provide the first line of defense for enterprise networks. Many of them typically inspect packet payload to filter malicious attack patterns. However, the widespread use of end-to-end cryptographic protocols designed to promote security and privacy, either inhibits deep packet inspection in the network or forces enterprises to use solutions that are not secure. This article introduces a complete framework for building secure and practical network middleboxes, called EVE, which enables visibility over encrypted traffic. EVE securely processes encrypted traffic using a combination of hardware-based trusted execution and software security technology. For enhanced programmability and security, EVE provides a high-level programming interface based on the Rust language. The high-level APIs of EVE provide security and significantly ease the development effort by hiding the details of cryptographic operations, enclave processing, TCP reassembly, and out-of-band key sharing. Our evaluation shows EVE supports diverse use cases with multiple encryption protocols in a secure fashion while delivering high performance.