Cell Nuclei Classification in Histopathological Images using Hybrid O L ConvNet
مقال من تأليف: Tripathi, Suvidha ; Singh, Satish Kumar ;
ملخص: Computer-aided histopathological image analysis for cancer detection is a major research challenge in the medical domain. Automatic detection and classification of nuclei for cancer diagnosis impose a lot of challenges in developing state-of-the-art algorithms due to the heterogeneity of cell nuclei and dataset variability. Recently, a multitude of classification algorithms have used complex deep learning models for their dataset. However, most of these methods are rigid, and their architectural arrangement suffers from inflexibility and non-interpretability. In this research article, we have proposed a hybrid and flexible deep learning architecture OLConvNet that integrates the interpretability of traditional object-level features and generalization of deep learning features by using a shallower Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) named as CNN3L. CNN3L reduces the training time by training fewer parameters and hence eliminating space constraints imposed by deeper algorithms. We used F1-score and multiclass Area Under the Curve (AUC) performance parameters to compare the results. To further strengthen the viability of our architectural approach, we tested our proposed methodology with state-of-the-art deep learning architectures AlexNet, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, InceptionV3, and DenseNet121 as backbone networks. After a comprehensive analysis of classification results from all four architectures, we observed that our proposed model works well and performs better than contemporary complex algorithms.