
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية

Inception U-Net Architecture for Semantic Segmentation to Identify Nuclei in Microscopy Cell Images

مقال من تأليف: Singh Punn, Narinder ; Agarwal, Sonali ;

ملخص: With deep learning playing a crucial role in biomedical image segmentation, multi-modality fusion-based techniques have gained rapid growth. For any radiologist, identification and segmentation of brain tumor (gliomas) via multi-sequence 3D volumetric MRI scan for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment, are complex and time-consuming tasks. The brain tumor segmentation (BraTS) challenge offers 3D volumes of high-graded gliomas (HGG), and low-graded gliomas (LGG) MRI scans with four modalities: T1, T1c, T2 and FLAIR. In this article, the tumor segmentation is performed on the preprocessed multi-modalities by proposed 3D deep neural network components: multi-modalities fusion, tumor extractor, and tumor segmenter. The multi-modalities fusion component uses the deep inception based encoding to merge the multi-modalities. Tumor extractor component is passed with the fused images to recognise the tumor patterns using the 3D inception U-Net model. Finally, tumor segmenter utilises the progressive approach to decode the extracted feature maps into the tumor regions. The architecture segments each lesion region into the whole tumor (WT), core tumor (CT), and enhancing tumor (ET) using the five target classes: background, necrosis, edema, enhancing tumor and non-enhancing tumor. To tackle the class imbalance problem, the weighted segmentation loss function is proposed based on the dice coefficient and the Jaccard index. This article illustrates the significance of each component on the BraTS 2017 and 2018 datasets by achieving better segmentation results. The performance of the proposed approach is also compared with the other state-of-the-art methods.

لغة: إنجليزية