
تفاصيل البطاقة الفهرسية


Elastic Executor Scheduling in Data Analytics Systems

مقال من تأليف: Liu, Libin ; Xu, Hong ;

ملخص: Modern data analytics systems use long-running executors to run an application's entire DAG. Executors exhibit salient time-varying resource requirements. Yet, existing schedulers simply reserve resources for executors statically, and use the peak resource demand to guide executor placement. This leads to low utilization and poor application performance. We present Elasecutor, a novel executor scheduler for data analytics systems. Elasecutor dynamically allocates and explicitly sizes resources to executors over time according to the predicted time/varying resource demands. Rather than placing executors using their peak demand, Elasecutor strategically assigns them to machines based on a concept called dominant remaining resource to minimize resource fragmentation. Elasecutor further adaptively reprovisions resources in order to tolerate inaccurate demand prediction and reschedules tasks to deal with inadequate reprovisioning resources on one machine. Testbed evaluation on a 35-node cluster with our Spark-based prototype implementation shows that Elasecutor reduces makespan by more than 36% on average, and improves cluster utilization by up to 55% compared to existing work.

لغة: إنجليزية