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Ontological Relation Classification Using WordNet, Word Embeddings and Deep Neural Networks

Article Ecrit par: Guessoum, Ahmed ; Aliane, Hassina ; Khadir, Ahlem Chérifa ;

Résumé: Learning ontological relations is an important step on the way to automatically developing ontologies. This paper introduces a novel way to exploit WordNet [16], the combination of pre-trained word embeddings and deep neural networks for the task of ontological relation classification. The data from WordNet and the knowledge encapsulated in the pre-trained word vectors are combined into an enriched dataset. In this dataset a pair of terms that are linked in WordNet through some ontological relation are represented by their word embeddings. A Deep Neural Network uses this dataset to learn the classification of ontological relations based on the word embeddings. The implementation of this approach has yielded encouraging results, which should help the ontology learning research community develop tools for ontological relation extraction.

Langue: Anglais
Thème Informatique

Mots clés:
Deep learning
Ontologies (informatique)
Word embeddings
Semantic relation classification

Ontological Relation Classification Using WordNet, Word Embeddings and Deep Neural Networks
