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Tensions in transparent urban AI

designing a smart electric vehicle charge point

Article Ecrit par: Kortuem, Gerd ; Doorn, Neelke ; Keller, Ianus ; Alfrink, Kars ;

Résumé: The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) by public actors has led to a push for more transparency. Previous research has conceptualized AI transparency as knowledge that empowers citizens and experts to make informed choices about the use and governance of AI. Conversely, in this paper, we critically examine if transparency-as-knowledge is an appropriate concept for a public realm where private interests intersect with democratic concerns. We conduct a practice-based design research study in which we prototype and evaluate a transparent smart electric vehicle charge point, and investigate experts' and citizens' understanding of AI transparency. We find that citizens experience transparency as burdensome; experts hope transparency ensures acceptance, while citizens are mostly indifferent to AI; and with absent means of control, citizens question transparency's relevance. The tensions we identify suggest transparency cannot be reduced to a product feature, but should be seen as a mediator of debate between experts and citizens

Langue: Anglais
Index décimal 006.3 .Intelligence artificielle (ouvrages généraux sur l'intelligence artificielle et la science cognitive, reconnaissance de formes comme outil de l'intelligence artificielle, systèmes de questions et réponses)
Thème Informatique

Mots clés:
Electric vehicles
Urban AI
Artificial intelligence

Tensions in transparent urban AI
