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Unsupervised single image dehazing with generative adversarial network

Article Ecrit par: Ren, Wei ; Zhou, Li ; Chen, Jie ;

Résumé: Most recent learning algorithms for single image dehazing are designed to train with paired hazy and corresponding ground truth images, typically synthesized images. Real paired datasets can help to improve performance, but are tough to acquire. This paper proposes an unsupervised dehazing algorithm based on GAN to alleviate this issue. An end-to-end network based on GAN architecture is established and fed with unpaired clean and hazy images, signifying that the estimation of atmospheric light and transmission is not required. The proposed network consists of three parts: a generator, a global test discriminator, and a local context discriminator. Moreover, a dark channel prior based attention mechanism is applied to handle inconsistency haze. We conduct experiments on RESIDE datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach which outperformed previous state-of-the-art unsupervised methods by a large margin.

Langue: Anglais