
Notice détaillée

Evaluation of mobile autonomous robot in trajectory optimization

Article Ecrit par: Cunha Palacios, Rodrigo Henrique ; Scarabelo Bertoncini, Joao Paulo ; Oliveira Uliam, Gabriel Henrique ; Mendonça, Marcio ; Botoni de Souza, Lucas ;

Résumé: The demand for mobile robotics applications has grown considerably in recent years, especially due to the advent of industry 4.0, which has as one of its pillars the autonomous robotics field, the subject of this research. In this context, autonomous mobile robots must interact with the world to achieve their goals. One of the main challenges regarding mobile robots is the navigation problem: a robot can face several problems according to the type of sensor that is chosen in each application. The use of computer vision as a navigation tool in robotics represents an interesting alternative for controlling the movement of a mobile robot, and represent several vision techniques that gained more space in the last few years. Therefore, this work's research proposes the development of a control center to assist navigation and location of mobile robots in closed environments using the global view technique. In addition to computer vision, wireless communication (WiFi) between the exchange and the robots has been investigated to date. The results obtained in the initial steps of the project's development were promising, in which data from an autonomous robot is compared with a human-guided robot. Through the algorithm developed for the project, it was possible to transform the collected data into the robot's kinematics necessary to take the correct path to the destination using multivalued logic as a control algorithm. The optimization of the trajectory between the origin and the destination is performed using the A* and Dijkstra algorithms for calculating the shortest path.

Langue: Anglais