Tracking while zooming using affine transfer and multifocal tensors
Article Ecrit par: Hayman, E. ; Thorhallson, T. ; Murray, D. ;
Résumé: This paper presents algorithms for tracking unknown objects in the presence of zoom. Since prior models are unavailable, point and line matches in affine views are used to characterize the structure and to transfer a fixation point into new images in a sequence. Because any affine projection matrix is permitted, the intrinsic camera parameters such as focal length may change freely. Also, since the techniques do not require long feature tracks, a further desirable property is insensitivity to partial occlusion caused, for instance, by part of the object falling off the image plane while zooming in. If only point matches are available, a previous method based on factorization is applied. When also incorporating lines, the affine trifocal and quadrifocal tensors are used for tracking in monocular and stereo systems respectively. Methods for computing the tensors, minimizing algebraic error, are developed. In comparison with their projective counterparts, the affine tensors offer significant advantages in terms of computation time and convenience of parameterization, and the relations between the different tensors are shown to be much simpler. Successful tracking is demonstrated on several real image sequences.